Humans are humans

Yitzhak Rabin

You will forgive me, for I do not want to talk about peace. I want to talk about my grandfather. One always wakes up from a nightmare. But since yesterday, I have awakened only to a nightmare - the nightmare of life without you, and this I cannot bear.
Grandfather, you were the pillar of fire before the camp and now we are left as only the camp, alone, in the dark, and it is so cold and sad for us. I know we are talking of a national tragedy, but how can you try to comfort an entire people or include it in your personal pain, when grandmother does not stop crying, and we are mute, feeling the enormous void that is left only by your absence.
Grandfather, you were, and still are, our hero. I want you to know that in all I have ever done, I have always seen you before my eyes. Your esteem and love accompanied us in every step and on every path, and we lived in the light of your values. You never abandoned us, and now they have abandoned you - you, my eternal hero - cold and lonely, and I can do nothing to save you, you who are so wonderful.
People greater than I have already eulogized you, but none of them was fortunate like myself to know the caress of your warm soft hands and the warm embrace that was just for us, or your half-smiles which will always say so much, the same smile that is no more, and froze with you. I have no feelings of revenge because my pain and loss are so big, too big. The ground has slipped away from under our feet, and we are trying, somehow , to sit in this empty space that has been left behind, in the meantime, without any particular success. I am incapable of finishing, but it appears that a strange hand, a miserable person, has already finished for me. Having no choice , I part from you, a hero, and ask that you rest in peace, that you think about us and miss us, because we here - down below - love you so much. To the angels of heaven that are accompanying you now, I ask that they watch over you, that they guard you well, because you deserve such a guard.
We will love you, grandfather, always.
Noa Ben-Artzi Pelossof
"Humans are not made of steel.
They have a heart and a soul, they cry and laugh.
They love and hurt.
They attack, get injured and scream.
Humans are humans."
Yitzhak Rabin
At 8:39 am, April 11, 2018,
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